Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 14
to speak to a wide variety of developers,
make decisions. The workshop provided
educators, and even CEOs of computer
a platform for pupils to discuss the ethical
game companies, with Year 12 pupil, Toby
implications of AI as well as inspire them
S, commenting: “It is the best school trip
with real-world applications of AI and
I’ve ever been on”, possibly because he
potential future developments. A highly
also won a Lenovo Legion hoodie!
relevant and inspirational event for our
pupils as they start to think about AI’s
potential for enhancing our lives.
Later on in the Spring Term, Year 10 and
Year 12 Computer Science and Design
and Technology pupils took part in an
From investigating the future to studying
AI workshop delivered by TA Education.
the past, our pupils have also had a vast
The workshop provided an engaging
array of engaging historical experiences
and thought-provoking introduction to
this year.
the world of AI and how it has developed
into a crucial component of modern
In January, 21 Year 7s and 8s entered
the Townsend-Warner History Prize.
This competition for able historians has
Pupils learnt about the fundamentals of
been running since 1885 and includes
Machine Learning and Natural Language
past winners such as Eric Blair (George
Processing (NLP), and how computers
Orwell) and Cyril Connolly. The pupils
are able to learn, recognise patterns, and
had to answer 100 questions in one