Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 129
examples of healthy vs unhealthy coping
reach their goals.
strategies to apply to their individual
Years 9 and 10 at the Senior School were
provided with some powerful advice and
important practical tools to help them
Later in the afternoon, parents of both
navigate the mental health challenges
Prep and Senior School pupils were the
of worry, stress and anxiety. Alicia’s
bene昀椀ciaries of Alicia’s vast experience
insights into the di昀昀erences between
of understanding adolescence, as she
worry and anxiety were followed by her
shared her thorough understanding of the
recommendations on how to cope with
developmental and cognitive changes
situational stress and stress triggers.
that happen during adolescence, and
a range of ways in which parents and
Her explanations of the science of
carers can adjust their own behaviours
anxiety, the human 昀椀ght or 昀氀ight mode
and expectations in order to support and
response and the physical e昀昀ects on
meet the social and emotional needs of
the body were both fascinating and
their children.
informative. Utilising her vast experience
as a therapist, she then talked pupils
All Framlingham College parents, as
through the principles of Cognitive
well as pupils from Years 7 – 13, have free
Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and the
access to the Teen Tips Wellbeing Hub, an
correlation between thoughts, feelings
interactive online portal designed to help
and behaviour – in short, by changing
parents understand the challenges facing
what you do you can change how you
young people in today’s modern society
think and therefore how you feel. She also
and support their children during their
gave this younger Senior School cohort
teenage years.