Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 125
online, to reach out and show each other
promise through interactive tutor activities
the support we need.
and dedicated PSHE lessons for Years 6-8,
speci昀椀cally focused on the notion of ‘Think
Enhancing pupil-led engagement, peer-
B4 You Type’, encouraging the children to
to-peer support and the ampli昀椀cation of
think and create ideas about how to tackle
pupil voice across the school were key
online bullying/unkindness.
focus areas of the College’s newly created
Senior School Wellbeing Ambassadors.
Prep School pupils also took part in a
This year, the cohort was led by Year
kindness quiz, which encouraged the
13 Wellbeing Prefect, Will L who led his
children to think about the importance of
team of passionate wellbeing advocates,
kindness as a core value for the College
ensuring presence and purpose was felt
and gave them an opportunity to re昀氀ect on
across the school.
their own kindness.
During Anti-bullying Week, the collection
The Spring Term kicked o昀昀 with the
of Wellbeing Ambassadors visited the
College’s own Wellbeing Week. During the
Houses to enhance awareness of the
bleak 昀椀rst week back to school in January
importance of developing a supportive
a conscious e昀昀ort was made across the
community and remind their peers of the
College to dedicate each day towards
College’s zero tolerance towards bullying.
one of the 昀椀ve ways to wellbeing: connect,
give, be active, take notice, and keep
The message was reinforced by pupils
from Years 9 to 13 as they ampli昀椀ed the
‘Reach Out’ call to action by harnessing
At the Prep School, pupils enjoyed a
their creative talents to create campaign
wonderful array of activities such as a
posters and videos, each of which served
warming and connecting Choc ‘n’ Chat
as a rallying cry for all pupils.
morning on the terrace at break time,
yoga sessions and mindful colouring
Each piece conveyed not just the
activities, House walks across the
importance of standing up against
infamous Brandeston Five Bridges route
bullying but also the vital call to action: to
and, to round the week o昀昀, a disco run by
reach out and seek help when faced with
Constable House, a great way to enhance
challenges resulting from bullying. The
mental wellbeing through physical
collective e昀昀orts showcased that kindness,
solidarity, and support are not just words
but principles the College community lives
In February, the College welcomed
by, ensuring that our school remains a safe
special guest and parenting expert, Alicia
and nurturing environment for everyone.
Drummond, who delivered a series of
talks to pupils and parents. Founder of
At the Prep School, children were
Teen Tips and The Wellbeing Hub (an
reminded of the school’s bully-free
online resource used by the College and