Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 12
a four-strong team of young chemists (two
experiments, competing against other
Year 9s, one Year 10 and one Year 11), who
leading schools from the East of England.
in the Autumn Term took part and won
their heat in the 昀椀rst round of the Royal
Prep School pupils also heightened
Society of Chemistry “Top of the Bench”
their science skills this year with 昀椀ve
productive Year 7s and 8s: Sebastian B,
William L, George R, Nuala M, and Jai
The Top of the Bench competition is
S, utilising their Science Club activity time
one of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s
to complete an accredited Bronze CREST
longest-standing activities for school
children, having been organised and
run for more than 20 years. Each year,
Managed by the British Science
teams of four 13 to 16-year-old students
Association, the CREST Awards aim to
compete for the Top of the Bench trophy.
inspire young people to think and behave
The competition starts with regional heats
like scientists and engineers. Available to
which take on various forms including
anyone aged 5-19, CREST Awards enable
quizzes, presentations and practical
children to explore and enhance their
experiments. The College team of four,
scienti昀椀c and technical knowledge, whilst
comprising Obie H, Charlotte S, Isla H and
introducing participants to the language
Etor A went on from the heat to attend
and methods of project work.
the regional 昀椀nals which involved online