Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 116
To one side was a slightly raised area with
you at the end with several unanswered
rocks from which water cascaded down
questions and the desire to learn more
and into a narrow gulley running across
about the period and the writer Lorca. It is
the stage and representing the river in
a fascinating play and one which is rarely
which the washer-women used to wash
performed; indeed, I think Framlingham
their clothes. Such a lot of time and e昀昀ort
was the 昀椀rst to premier it here in Su昀昀olk.
had gone into its construction.
It was also an excellent piece for the
There was also a symbolic meaning
students to study as part of their curriculum
to the set. It represented the pagan
and it also incorporated some Spanish
four elements of earth, air, water and,
language, along with music and dancing
later during the play, the use of 昀椀re. The
of the period. A complex and thought-
costumes were very good and in keeping
provoking piece which these 17-19 year
for the period. The lighting was well
old students handled well and with a great
designed with some additional small
maturity. Well done to Ted Moore and all
spotlights built into the base of the set
involved with this production.
at ground level. The production team
consisted of both teachers and pupils
A special thanks to the New Wolsey
working together.
Theatre for prop support and Su昀昀olk Plant
Centre for their generous provision of
plants to complete the fantastic set.
This was one of those productions that left