Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 115
Lyla E was excellent in her portrayal
not wanting her to go out of the house
of this tormented woman, Yerma, with
and he had his two sisters-in-law (Maja T
passion and tenderness. As the years
and Violet C) watch over her.
pass Yerma’s hopes are dashed leading
to desperation, anger and jealousy. She
Victor (George B) is Juan’s old friend,
con昀椀des in her only friend Maria (Bella V)
whom Yerma is very fond of and indeed
about her situation. Maria has had a baby
admits she had a girlhood crush on him.
and Yerma wants to know what else she
However, despite all her desires and the
can do to conceive.
suggestions of the other women, Yerma is
determined to stay an honorable woman
Lyla handled this di昀케cult and complex
and not cheat on her husband. Others
role with a great maturity. She also
in the cast included a group of
demonstrated the tragedy of her situation
washerwomen who taunt Yerma in her
and gave the audience an appreciation
inability to become a mother.
and empathy for all those who have
su昀昀ered like Yerma, and even to this day
Yerma also visits some local women with
the lengths women in her position will go
their pagan ideals to see if they could
to, in their desperation.
help her. The whole cast should be very
proud of their performances. The set
Arlo N played her husband, Juan who
was incredible. It had been designed in
was equally passionate in his role. He
the round, with tiered seating around all
made you feel he also wanted a child but
four sides. In the centre was a lower area
not with the same degree of desperation
which had been completely covered with
of that of his wife. He, after all, had the
pebbles and vegetation which had been
farm to run and his 昀氀ock to tend. He
planted amongst the stones.
becomes very possessive about his wife,