Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 114
Talented senior pupils
deliver powerful
Yerma performances
The Senior School Autumn Term
life seems to have been somewhat tragic.
production saw talented Year 12 and 13
The three plays were not considered
pupils deliver a powerful and moving
acceptable in Spanish Catholic Society
production of Federico García Lorca’s
and it is believed that he was sentenced
‘Yerma’. National Operatic and Dramatic
to death without a trial and shot in 1936
Association (NODA) representative,
at the age of 38 during the time of the
Catherine Dixey came to watch the play
Spanish Civil War.
and wrote the following review.
The play tells the story of a childless
Federico García Lorca wrote ‘Yerma’ in
woman, Yerma, living in rural Spain and
1934. It was the second part of his ‘Rural
her desperate desire and obsession for
Trilogy’ which he called a ‘tragic poem’.
motherhood. In rural communities families
Whilst writing this he struck up a working
must farm to survive and produce children
relationship, and indeed a passionate
who will carry on their farms.
friendship, with Dalí. However, his whole