Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 111
harmonies being heard on all sides.
Lin led the 120-strong cohort of pupils
through a fantastic day of learning four
new songs from memory, culminating in a
“The string quartet performed a rendition
performance of everything they learnt in
of ‘Bad Guy’ by Billie Eilish, inspired by
front of an audience of sta昀昀 and parents.
Bridgerton, and this modern music played
by a traditional ensemble brought a fun
and celebratory feel to the concert.
The Summer Term always hosts two
spectacular Summer Concerts at both
the Senior and Prep School. In May, the
“This warming family event was 昀椀lled with
Senior School concert was held at St
beautiful talent, and it was clear that none
Michael’s Church and was a truly magical
of this could have been possible without
night with College musicians expressing
the commitment and love for music
a celebration of music, performing
shared by the incredible performers and
and togetherness. Year 12, Amy B (who
the enthusiasm shown by Lucy Bloore,
joined the school in September) gave her
Director of Music. Her belief that every
account of the evening saying: “A highlight
child is musical and able to enjoy music
was when Capella Lumina, Framlingham
was proved very clearly.”
College’s chamber choir, performed
‘Run To You’ by Pentatonix. They were
In the 昀椀nal week of term, the Prep School’s
spread around the church and so brought
Summer Concert o昀昀ered a harmonious
the magic into the audience with the
roundup of the incredible progress