Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 109
large public audience.
dancing with a Mamma Mia medley
and the orchestra successfully tackled
‘Chariots of Fire’ and ‘Ghostbusters’.
After auditions in the autumn, both Rafa
Notable performances were also expertly
S and Emily B gained membership to
delivered by a number of individuals
The National Children’s Choir of Great
including a 昀氀ute trio of Emilia A, Lottie B
Britain which was named Choir of the
and Charlotte A who performed ‘Chim
Year by Printed Music Licensing Ltd
Chimney’ from Mary Poppins and Connie
(PMLL) in November. For their auditions,
Tassell who performed a beautiful solo of
candidates are asked to perform one
Moana’s ‘How Far I’ll Go’.
song from memory and complete aural
tests including musical memory tests and
The following week saw the return of
singing chords and sight singing. Rafa
the College’s annual Cabaret evenings,
attended the choir’s spring course in the
a two-day celebration of our Senior
Easter holidays, singing with the Senior
School pupils’ exceptional musical talents
Choir and bene昀椀ting from the interactive
which has become a cherished event,
rehearsals that generate the remarkable
eagerly anticipated by the entire school
sounds of this group.
Rafa, alongside sister Rosa S, Katherine
With a vivacious, electric 80s theme,
W and Finlay B also performed in St
the event transported all who came
Mary-le-Tower’s Easter performance of
back in time to the era of neon lights
Bach’s St John’s Passion at the stunning
and iconic music. The performances
church of St Peter and St Paul in Clare,
were nothing short of spectacular, from
where Katherine performed a solo aria, a
electrifying beats to soulful renditions of
re昀氀ection of just how talented she is.
80s classics, each act was a testament to
the dedication and creativity of our young
Throughout the 2022/23 Academic Year,
Sebby A-E continued to be part of the
Aldeburgh Young Musicians, alongside
As part of the Commonwealth Day
Year 8 Archie B, and Year 11 Oscar F,
celebrations on Monday 13 March, a
who were also accepted onto the Britten
selection of Year 5 and 6 pupils took
Pears Arts programme. Aldeburgh Young
part in a small choir who performed with
Musicians is one of the 12 National Centres
the Commonwealth Schools, the Scots
for advanced training for music, along
Guard Band and Youth Choir on Horse
with junior conservatoires in London,
Guards Parade. The special event was
Manchester and Birmingham and other
a tribute to His Majesty King Charles III.
regional schemes.
The choir performed 昀椀ve pieces of music
including the National Anthem and all did
As members of Aldeburgh Young
extremely well, representing the school
Musicians, pupils bene昀椀t from access to
impeccably, whilst being watched by a
a wide range of courses, weekends and