Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 106
applause from the audience.
singing, music theory, demonstrating an
understanding of liturgy and the meaning
behind sacred music. An outstanding
In December, the Christmas spirit spread
achievement for both these extraordinary
across the College and many of our
singers geared up for a busy few weeks.
Alongside College sta昀昀, a selection of
The College’s 昀椀rst musical showcase was
music scholars, including Katherine W and
the eagerly anticipated Senior School
Finlay B who performed solos, sung in the
Autumn Concert in November. A magical
St Mary-le-Tower Choir in their Christmas
evening with a diverse range of stunning
concert, performing Handel’s ‘Messiah’.
performances that celebrated the power
of music to inspire and unite. From the
Five days later, those pupils joined the
harmonious melodies of the Cantus Choir
remainder of the College Choir and OF
and Cappella Lumina to the soul-stirring
and talented soprano, Laura Wright,
tunes of the orchestra, each ensemble
to raise the roof of St Edmundsbury
displayed a level of professionalism
Cathedral at the Senior School Carol
and musicality. The versatility of our
Service. The service was a truly
pupils was evident as they seamlessly
transcendent experience. The grandeur
transitioned from classical compositions
of the cathedral’s architectural splendour
to contemporary hits, captivating the
served as the perfect backdrop for a
audience with their range and artistry.
celebration of the holiday season. The
The audience was treated to additional
combination of the majestic surroundings,
performances from Big Band, the Ukulele
the timeless carols, and the impeccable
Orchestra and House Singing 2022 Part
vocal performances created an
Song winners, Victoria House, who gave a
atmosphere of pure festive joy.
beautiful rendition of P!nk’s ‘Just Give Me
The Spring Term brought with it a further
A Reason’.
collection of musical highlights. The Year
In December, our younger pupils across
12 and 13 BTEC bands performed at BTEC
Years 3 – 8 also took to the stage for their
Live in February, a fun and entertaining
Music Recital and LAMDA Showcase,
event that highlighted the hard work of
demonstrating not only their dedication
pupils studying on our popular Music BTEC
to their musical endeavours, but also their
enthusiasm for learning and developing
At the Prep School the Spring Concert on
new skills. The event hosted a wide
variety of individual performances, each
3 March took the audience on a thematic
wonderfully exemplifying our pupils’
journey through the silver screen, ranging
broad range of talents in music and
from The Sound of Music to Pirates of
drama. The children put a great deal of
the Caribbean. The Lower Prep Choir
time and e昀昀ort into their performances
performed ‘Do Re Mi’ from the Sound of
and were all greeted to rapturous
Music, the Upper Prep got the audience