Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 104
di昀昀erent aspects of Dracula’s personality,
is taken to its inevitable end.
something Director of Drama, Ted Moore
“My thanks to the cast who gave so much
was keen to achieve.
time and dedication to the dense, wordy
In total, 21 pupils had roles in the
text. It is also a genuine pleasure to have
production, with other notable
so many pupils involved in the technical
performances from Oscar W as young
crew, thank you to them all.”
lawyer, Jonathan Harker, Lucia S-L as
Harker’s 昀椀ancée, Mina, Frances C as
The Academic Year has also witnessed
Lucy Westenra and Charlie W as Dr John
a symphony of musical achievements
Seward. Another standout character was
from pupils across the school, collectively
Ren昀椀eld, portrayed by Daniel B, who did
demonstrating an unwavering
a superb job in his characterisation as he
commitment to the world of music.
crawled around the 昀氀oor looking for 昀氀ies
Through countless hours of practice and
and spiders to eat to quench his lust for
dedication, pupils have honed their skills
and showcased their musical talents
in various forms, from stunning choir
Talking about the production, Ted
performances to mesmerising instrumental
commented: “Published in 1897, Bram
recitals. These achievements are a
Stoker’s novel ‘Dracula’ spawned one
testament to the exceptional guidance
of the most recognisable characters in
provided by our dedicated music
popular culture and has been reproduced
educators and the passion that thrives
and adapted countless times through 昀椀lm,
within our pupil body.
television, cartoons and video games.
There has been much discourse about
A selection of our music scholars took part
the origins of Stoker’s inspiration for the
in elite music courses over the summer
legendary Count Dracula, ranging from
of 2022, with Finlay B and Katherine W
Vlad the Impaler, Elizabeth Báthory and
singing with the National Youth Choir,
Irish vampire, Abhartach.
Rafa S and Emily B singing with the
National Children’s Choir and Sebby A-E
“Whatever the starting point for the
playing guitar with the Aldeburgh Young
character, Stoker has produced an
Musicians. All 昀椀ve of these impressive
antagonist which has persisted as the
pupils continued to achieve musical
epitome of evil. Through 昀氀ashbacks,
success across the course of the Academic
narration and dialogue, David Calcutt’s
adaptation for stage tells the story of
those most directly a昀昀ected by the count
Year 13 Head Boy, Finlay B carved an
but also features a cast of 昀椀gures who
impressive path for his burgeoning
have played some part in their journeys
music career, achieving a remarkable
from London to Romania and 昀椀nally to
milestone by securing a coveted place
Whitby, where the plan to 昀椀ght the threat
with a scholarship to study Music at the