Framlinghamian 2023 - Flipbook - Page 100
Art and D&T are key specialist subjects
Few fairy tales are as exciting, witty,
taught throughout the school and a real
fantastical and clever as Hansel and
source of creative exploration for our
Gretel, and children have long been
younger children. Many of our Prep School
fascinated with the story that features
pupils have produced some outstanding
dark, eerie forests, penniless parents,
work this year. In Years 4 and 5, lessons
sweet-laden magical cottages and, of
are a mixture of Art and Design &
course, an evil stepmother. The children’s
Technology projects, allowing the children
musical interpretation of the famous
to gain con昀椀dence in their creative abilities
folktale was nothing short of enchanting -
and explore the specialist facilities that
bright, fun and vivid with goblins, fairies,
are new to them at the start of their Lower
talking trees and robbers all thrown into
Prep journey. From Year 6, the subjects
the mix.
are taught separately and allow the
pupils to further enhance their subject
The young actors Bay L, who portrayed
knowledge and hone their talents in both
Hansel and Tatiana G, who played
the art room and the D&T workshop.
Gretel, deserve special recognition for
their outstanding performances. Their
Prep School pupils in Year 3-6 also have
dedication and commitment to their roles
the chance to showcase their acting skills
were truly impressive. With boundless
early in the Autumn Term, with Christmas
energy and a genuine enthusiasm for
production rehearsals starting in earnest
their characters, they brought Hansel and
as soon as the term commences. This year
Gretel to life in a way that captivated the
the children had the task of bringing to life
audience from start to 昀椀nish.
the story of Hansel & Gretel, originally
written by the incomparable Brothers
The production as a whole was a
delightful blend of creativity and
teamwork. The entire ensemble also