Nutritional Guide - Flipbook - Page 19
Sticking within the
daily recommended
intake reduces the
effects of alcohol on the
body, meaning fewer
symptoms like overflowing stoma pouches.
Alcohol can be included as long as it does
not interact with any of your medications
(check with your Doctor or Pharmacist). It
is recommended to have less than 14 units
of alcohol a week, spread across 3 or more
days and with 2 days alcohol free. A unit of
alcohol is 1 x 25ml spirit measure e.g. gin,
whereas a large glass of ~12% abv wine or
regular strength beer is ~2 units. Alcohol
can stimulate the bowel causing looser,
more frequent bowel movements. Alcohol
causes quicker and larger amounts of urine
to be produced; this along with looser
stools can lead to dehydration. Having 1-2
drinks 3 times a week or less minimises
alcohol’s dehydrating effects.