Connections Online Booklet 2022 - Flipbook - Page 15
The Wheel of Life
Here’s what to do...
Look at the eight different segments on the Wheel of Life
pictured on the next page and consider what a satisfying
life would look like for you in each area.
2. Draw lines across each segment to show your
satisfaction score in each area.
Imagine the centre of the wheel is 0 and the outer
edge is 10
Choose a value between 1 (very dissatisfied) and 10
(fully satisfied)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Now draw a line and write the score alongside
(see the example on the next page)
IMPORTANT: Use the FIRST number (score) that pops into your
head, not the number you think it should be!
3. Choose 1 or 2 categories (with the goal of moving closer
to a score of 10) and ask yourself the following questions:
a. What is the smallest step you could take to get started?
b. What support would you need to achieve your goal?