Explore York Libraries and Archives Annual Review 2022 - Report - Page 26
Your Libraries:
Shaped with You
Libraries co-located in the community, shaped by the
community. A shared vision developed with communities
of welcoming, safe, inclusive places accessible to
everyone, and where everyone feels welcome.
A place where organisations work together with
the community and make a difference every day.
The Friends of
Haxby & Wigginton
Library contributed
towards furniture for
the children’s library
Shaped with You | Annual Review 2022/23
Haxby & Wigginton: open at last
Our new library and reading café opened on
4 January 2023 with more books, free Wi-Fi
and computers, and an exciting programme
of events and activities for all ages. Local
residents participated in the planning and
design and the Friends group contributed
funds for furniture in the children’s library.
Co-location in Oaken Grove Community
Centre means we work closely with Haxby and
Wigginton Youth and Community Association
and as we deepen our
partnership we will be
able to engage with
even more people from
local communities.