Issue 42 summer 24 web - Flipbook - Page 71
been forgotten. The dry grinding, pioneered by the Fratelli
Feltracco instead of the wet historic method, has reduced
the working time on site. I really believe in the potential
of this beautiful, seamless and breathable lime floor. The
possibility of using it as a finish floor for the limecrete slab
extends hugely the potential of lime products in both
conservation and modern sustainable construction.
Revisiting and uncovering the innovative and intentional
uses of repurposed materials to The Soane Stables from
Wren Stables presents an example to us where materials
are respected and sustainable skills are treasured.
Furthermore, the highly significant Grade II* building has
found a new compatible use, it is required by RHC as a
first point of call near the Chelsea Gate to gather in one
location its many visitors. This new purpose has put The
Soane Stables back into the centre of The Royal Hospital
Chelsea life.
Within a more general project of open The Royal Hospital
doors to a large number of people The Soane Stables are
going to be essential space for an extensive and important
outreach programme to welcoming external veterans
further afield. The outreach programme for veterans, will
include – for the first time – those who served in the Royal
Navy and RAF, the peer to peer engagement possible at
RHC for the presence of the Chelsea Pensioners will fight
the social isolation that some veterans experience.
Above, figure 5
Conservation & Heritage Journal