Issue 41 Spring web - Flipbook - Page 3
Welcome to issue 41 of Conservation and Heritage Journal
A special welcome and a happy Easter to all our readers, contributors and advertisers.
This issue features heavily on glass, including new steel framed glazing which takes pride of place in London
conservation areas by Clement Windows. The role of secondary glazing in heritage and ecclesiastical sector
by Selectaglaze highlights preserving heritage and protecting the planet. A guide to conservation rooflights
is provided by Stella Rooflights, whilst Steel Windows explain the aesthetic aspirations at St Albans Cathedral
and, Tatraglass explain the importance of using period glass.
Restoration is featured with the Medieval Shrine of St Amphibalus, St Albans Cathedral by Cathedral
Architect, Kelley Christ, Director of A&RMÉ Architects and consultant Archaeologist Dr Jackie Hall.
Also featured is the treatment of the Safety Curtain in the Royal Theatre, Northampton by Chroma
Conservation. The wonderfully eccentric painted depiction on the safety curtain was created in 1978 by
Henry Bird and is known as Sipario Dipinto or Separator Painted. This important feature was inspired by
sources such as Commedia dell’Arte and Hamlet’s mirror.
Cliveden Conservation’s Stonemason, Amelia Morrison, discusses the sensitive conservation of ruins and
the various challenges it presents, from the removal of vegetation and cementitious hard capping to the
application of lime mortar in all weather.
Saltaire United Reformed Church (URC) was named the King of Prussia Gold Medal winner at the National
Churches Awards 2023. The award celebrates innovative, high-quality conservation or repairs. David
Bloxam, Head of Architectural Projects of Cliveden Conservation, and Russell Trudgen, conservationaccredited senior architect and director of Arctic Associates, describe the restoration process of the
storm-damaged church.
Conserving spirituality in a busy space, the first in a series of four illustrated articles titled ‘The Equilibrium
between Conservation and Spirituality’ by Jonathan Louth with textual contributions from articles by Julian
Of particular interest are the newly restored paintings of Adam and Eve which will be on view at the Getty
Center, the work on these paintings is outstanding
If you have a project that you wish to be featured please contact us via the email below.
Nigel Hector
Contact Editorial:
Art direction and design, Chris Connelly -
T: 0161 834 0017 F: 0161 834 0018 W:
Office 1/06, Ivy Business Centre, Crown St,
Failsworth, Manchester M35 9BG
Conservation & Heritage Journal