Issue 38 Summer web 23 - Flipbook - Page 61
which had also been lost in time. Luckily historical
archives from 1878 revealed a drawing of the building
showing the cupola, and using this and calculations it was
possible to recreate the cupola as it was. A further
complication with the new half of the façade was the careful material matching to the existing, which can be tricky.
One consideration is historic stone ages and weathers
naturally, so even when using the same stone source for
new elements, the new stone will not have the same
appearance. All the stones had to be carefully identified
and their source established.
The end result was a true team effort with Szerelmey, the
architects, main contractor and the other subcontractors,
and speaks for itself. A little piece of Bishopsgate history
has been preserved for future generations!
Opposite, Bishopsgate recreated cupola
Below, Bishopsgate Devonshire Row after restoration
Conservation & Heritage Journal