EYH digital brochure FINAL Low Res - Flipbook - Page 32
A brief history of EYH
EYH started life as a logging pond. Then in the 1960s retired naval officer
Admiral Percy Gick decided that he wanted to create an area for boat
berthing. Being an enterprising type, he developed his own dredger and
had two basins dug out. The first boats arrived in the marina in 1965.
The Wakelin family invested in the marina in the early 1990s when the
marina was in financial difficulties. There followed a challenging decade
and more of getting the business back into a healthy shape, including
carrying out a long overdue dredge. In 2009 following the collapse of the
Tarquin group we took control of the whole site, allowing us to undertake
some significant development work and bring in a range of new tenants.
This included refurbishing the shipyard and creating several smaller
workshops and the extension to the Harbour Offices which is now home
to The Deck restaurant. In 2015 we celebrated the Gold anniversary of EYH
while in 2018 we had a party to mark 25 years of our family’s involvement
with the marina.