EYH digital brochure FINAL Low Res - Flipbook - Page 18
Useful information
Discounted berthing for members from Europe’s largest marina network! EYH is a
member of TransEurope marinas, an expanding group of respected marinas offering
reciprocal berthing arrangements for their berth-holders across Europe. The owners of
yachts or motor vessels that are normally berthed at a TransEurope marina are entitled
to a 50% visitor’s berthing discount for up to five days per annum in each member
marina, upon production of current TransEurope digital membership.
Membership details are available from the Harbour Office.
The ECA was founded in 1966 by a group of boat owners based in Emsworth Yacht
Harbour. While the membership is now more widely spread, Emsworth remains the
focal point. The emphasis of the ECA is on cruising and sailing safely and for fun.
They organise cruises in company and have a regular newsletter, a web-site and a
notice-board within the marina. In recent years, EYH and ECA have run a combined
Cruise in Company in the spring.
We are lucky to be located on lovely Chichester Harbour, an Area of Outstanding
Natural Beauty. Chichester Harbour covers an area of 29 miles² at high water and has
53 miles of largely unspoilt wooded shoreline. The harbour is home to a large number
of overwintering birds – 10% of the global population of Brent Geese are believed to
overwinter here. There is also a community of 25 – 30 harbour seals.
As well as enjoying the harbour from the water, visitors can take advantage of the
60 plus miles of public rights of way and permissive access paths together with the
Salterns Way, a 7.5-mile cycle path from Chichester down to East Head. During the
summer there are boat trips available around the harbour on the solar powered
boat Solar Heritage from the jetty at Itchenor or at Emsworth.