landscape matters volume 5 - Flipbook - Page 23
A conclusion, based on these considerations,
must be that farmers should be financed to
provide more and bulkier hedges, more
numerous hedgerow trees and substantial areas
of wood pasture. Oxygenation with carbon
sequestration should be a crop purchased
from them.
A free standing tree with foliage
Diagram of leaf cover all round this typical free
all round.
standing tree. The white rectangle represents a
cylinder, 8m radius, 12m high. The black semi-circle
represents a half sphere, 8m radius.
Diagrams of Implications
A conclusion, based on these considerations, must be that
farmers should be financed to provide more and bulkier
hedges, more numerous hedgerow trees and substantial
areas of wood pasture. Oxygenation with carbon
sequestration should be a crop purchased from them.
1. Comparison of leaf surface area of
2. Leaf surface of a 0.25 ha freestand-
3. Leaf surface area of a corner of a
top canopy of continuous woodland
ing copse: The plan and top cross
wood pasture or arboretum: This dia-
and freestanding trees: On left 0.5 ha
section show the leaf surface area of a
gram shows a 0.5ha corner of a wood
(70.71x70.71m) of continuous woodland
0.25ha freestanding copse 15-20 years
pasture or an arboretum with various
has a leaf surface of 5,000m2, similar
after planting, having a nominal leaf
trees at some 20m centres; its nominal
to five mature freestanding trees as
surface of 4,833m2;
leaf surface area is 11,500m2, which is
shown in a 0.5ha square on the right
(70.71x35.35m) + sides, including low
2.3 times that of the same area of con-
(5x1005 = 5,025m2).
level shrubs: 2,333m2 (height 11m x
tinuous woodland;
length 70.71m x3) = 4,833m2].
(length 126m x 5m across) + 8.5 mature
The lower cross section shows the
trees: 8,543m2 (8.5 x 1005m2) + 3.5 small
mature copse with a nominal leaf sur-
trees: 1085m2 (3.5 x 310m2) + one extra
face area of 7,167m2; [i.e. top: 2,500m2
large tree say 1,242m2 = 11,500m2.]
[i.e. top: 2,500m2
+ sides: 4,667m2 (height 22m x length
70.71x3m) = 7,167m2].
* Surface area of this mature free-standing tree: 2x3.14x8x8 (top: half sphere) +
2x3.14x8x12 (sides; cylinder) = 402 + 603 =1005m2
[i.e. hedge: 630m2