HRABP - Draft 8 - Flipbook - Page 37
condition and we need to invest in new accommodation that will not only provide
staff with improved accommodation but bring efficiencies with new ways of working,
in line with the Corporate hub at Riverside in Lowestoft.
Introduction of new rent analytics to assist staff in targeting tenants in debt to bring
the most likely effective results.
Invest in our staff in accordance with the Council’s People Strategy, empowering
them to deliver the service that brings benefits to our tenants as well as the Council.
5. Partnership Working
Partnership working is a key aspect of our work, both within the East Suffolk council and with
other statutory and voluntary agencies in the district. The table outlines the contribution the
housing service makes and the expected outcome of the range of partnerships.
Contribution of the housing
Outcome/Customer benefit
New Council
Partner with a Housing
Association consortium to
deliver new properties in
the district. This helps deliver
housing more promptly and
coordinates developments
with our HA partners
Developments are built out quickly by
using the expertise of EC2. This enables
our own new staff resources to deliver
future developments in-house.
Partnering with Gt Yarmouth
and Waveney CCG, James
Paget hospital, Norfolk and
Suffolk CC’s and Gt Yarmouth
BC to enable safe hospital
Customer benefits by being discharged
earlier from hospital or re-admission
prevention through adaptations
and minor works carried out by the
maintenance team. Applies to both
private sector and public sector stock.
Aids and
The maintenance team
provide a service to the
private sector in dealing with
aids and adaptations
Delivers a needed service to the private
sector and brings revenue to the HRA
and our tenants.
Gateway to
Shared intelligence and
Partner of the eight local
authorities operating Gateway opportunities for shared
to Homechoice covering most practice /collaboration, etc.
of Suffolk and North Essex.
Residents have increased mobility
across the G2H area, increasing their
opportunities for employment or
improved circumstances