HRABP - Draft 8 - Flipbook - Page 3
Executive Summary
East Suffolk Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2018 - 2048
1 Introduction
The council has been undertaking formal business planning in the Housing Revenue Account
(HRA) since the introduction of the ‘self-financing‘ regime for council housing in 2012.
A number of factors have changed since the publication of the last formal Business Plan in
2016. They include:
Decision to progress to formal merger of Waveney and Suffolk Coastal
councils to form one council - East Suffolk in 2019.
Agreement of East Suffolk–wide Corporate Plan (2016) and related
strategies, including an overarching East Suffolk Housing Strategy (2017).
Impact of changes to Government policy affecting housing financing.
Changing economic and demographic factors leading to changing housing
priorities, particularly the ambition to develop more affordable homes to
rent to meet increasing housing need.
Development of business improvement programme across the range of
HRA services to improve value for money.
In addition to continuing to invest in its existing homes the council has ambitious plans for
the redevelopment of homes and provision of new housing, which will deliver a range of
lasting benefits for the residents of East Suffolk. The investment identified in the Business
Plan will support the council in achieving these ambitions, including the regeneration of
Lowestoft and delivering new homes to meet rising housing need. The creation of a new
council for east Suffolk potentially increases the opportunity for development of new
homes across a wider geographic area.
The current 30-year HRA Business Plan projections demonstrate that these investment
proposals are fundable, subject to the assumptions within the plan, and that the HRA remains
a sustainable and viable entity over the thirty year period.
East Suffolk HRA Business Plan 2018 - 2048