HRABP - Draft 8 - Flipbook - Page 11
achieve the best possible quality of life
for local people by:
i. Enabling communities;
ii. promoting economic growth;
iii. becoming financially self sufficient.
Housing supports these objectives by:
Enabling Communities - Working
through partnerships such as the Suffolk
Health & Wellbeing Board and Clinical
Commissioning Groups (CCGs),to support
the reduction of mental ill-health and
help people with physical and learning
disabilities, as well as reducing social
isolation and encouraging people to look
out for, and after, themselves and others.
The HRA Housing Service seeks to help our
communities tackle the issues that matter
most to them, whether this is by
developing affordable homes for local
people or working with partner agencies
to help support people.
Economic Growth - Providing more
affordable homes for local people
contributing to the East Suffolk Growth
Plan, building communities which enjoy
more stable, high quality and high value
Financial Self - The Council is committed to
continuing to drive out further efficiencies
and reviewing the use of market pricing for
council services. In line with this corporate
approach the HRA Housing Service seeks
to drive business efficiencies and regularly
reviews charging. Over recent years the
Council has adopted a move to charge
Affordable Rents from Social Rents for any
new property let. This change has been
facilitated by the Government to enable reinvestment in new housing in the district
by the Council. Currently 76% of our stock
is charged at Social Rent. The transition to
Affordable Rent will be reviewed as part of
future reviews of this business plan.
East Suffolk Housing Strategy
In 2017 both councils adopted the East
Suffolk Housing Strategy. This was our
first joint housing strategy and this HRA
business plan links directly from the
Strategy to ensure that the ‘Golden Thread’
from the corporate East Suffolk Business
Plan to the East Suffolk HRA Business Plan
is maintained.
East Suffolk
Business Plan
East Suffolk
Housing Strategy
East Suffolk HRA
30 Year Business Plan