Housing Asset Management Strategy 2019 - 2024 - Report - Page 18
Our Actions
Stock performance - It is important that we understand our housing
stock to manage our ‘business resilience’. This means that we need
to profile, review and appraise the stock to fully understand its
performance and the contribution it makes to our HRA Business Plan.
We manage opportunities and liabilities by identifying properties and
either redeveloping or disposing of them to: i) reduce our liabilities; ii)
generate funds for future re-investment in properties which are either
better located to a) meet other housing need, or; b) are more efficient
to manage. We have a track record in this area which has contributed
to new build housing and generated a valuable capital contribution
for new investment in our existing stock. Additionally, we have been
active in re-developing our properties to deliver a higher performing
additional stock that meets the needs of our tenants.
Action 01
To investigate the potential
benefits of an Asset
Performance Tool for the
Housing Service and report
to the Head of Housing by
the end of 2020.
It is recognised that an effective Asset Performance Tool to help manage
our assets may need to be invested in. This would allow us to understand
our housing assets in more detail and enable us to manage them
more effectively.
Resident involvement - We currently engage with our tenants
through the Tenants Forum (composed of tenants and officers) and
the Housing Benefits and Tenant Services Consultation Group (a mix
of tenants, councillors and partners) which are well established groups.
They consider our performance reporting on the housing stock as well
as any significant changes that may occur (e.g. fire risk assessments to
tower blocks).
We want to improve tenant engagement through new channels
including the ability for tenant scrutiny of our strategies and budgets
and will produce Tenant Engagement Strategy in 2020.
Action 02
Support the development
of a Tenant Engagement
Strategy in 2020 to enable
meaningful engagement
with residents and tenants
in any future investment
process as well as the
development of future