Housing Asset Management Strategy 2019 - 2024 - Report - Page 12
Financial management
Fleet management
Our strong financial management has enabled a significant
investment to be made in our housing stock. In 2019-20
our budget for housing maintenance was £6.5m covering a
range of improvements, maintenance and environmental
We have a Fleet Strategy for our vehicles which considers the
corporate commitment we have to improve sustainability and
reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Between 2016-2017 our fleet
emitted 161 tonnes CO2e (carbon dioxide equivalent), 119 kg
Nitrogen Oxide and 8 kg Particulate Matter. With more efficient
vehicles being introduced the level of pollution emissions has
fallen, helping us meet the corporate objective.
We are committed to continue to strive to be greener and are
investigating the use of electric vehicles when it is economically
viable to do so.
Our procurement approach supports the wider social
value objectives of the Council, including employment
opportunities, work experience, training and development
and community investment. We are committed as a Council
to these objectives and offer apprenticeships and work
experience opportunities within the team.
Performance monitoring
The Housing Service has consistently monitored how it performs.
For the past few years we have employed an independent
company to randomly survey our tenants every month to
ensure that we are maintaining our standard. In 2018 -19 our
independently assessed satisfaction level for the Maintenance
Service was 89% for the overall housing service – a figure we
have consistently maintained over the years.
The gas contract let in 2019 reflects this social value objective
with a requirement for the contractor to employ and train
several apprentices from the local community.
Lettable standard
Since the last Housing Asset Management Strategy, we
have made investment commitments to maintain assets
to an agreed property standard (which we call our ‘Lettable
Standard’) along with other prioritised investments and
improvements. We have made a new 5-year investment
plan that reflects our investments priorities and available
resources, which was approved in 2018.