Food and Health & Safety Service Plan 2024-25 - Flipbook - Page 48
5.0 Quality Assessment and
Internal Monitoring
Food and Health & Safety
The Food and Safety Manager and Lead Food and Safety Oïcers monitor the work of the
Food and Safety Team.
The team has documented procedures for all activities and a designated oïcer is
responsible for reviewing and revising the procedures and maintaining an overview of
the team9s activities in their area of responsibility.
Environmental Health Technical Support Oïcers carry out the document control
function for the team.
The HSE9s LAE1 return is benchmarked at the Norfolk and Sufolk Health and Safety
Liaison Group.
Customer feedback is invited via online surveys. A summary of the results is provided in
appendix 13. 93% of the responses said their business was treated fairly, 93% said the
contact was helpful and 94% said communication was clear.
Suffolk Coastal Port Health Authority
Sufolk Coastal Port Health Authority (SCPHA) creates an annual risk-based audit plan
to ensure efective and eïcient internal processes. This includes a technical audit
schedule thattests legislative compliance, as well as best practice and internal policies.
SCPHA is ISO 9001:2015 accredited, which covers imported food controls and is a key
performance indicator within East Sufolk Council9s performance framework. This saw
SCPHA undergo six monthly audits from external auditors to ensure adherence to the
quality system.
Opportunities to improve across all areas within SCPHA are sought regularly and fed
into reviews to improve knowledge and training provision.
East Suffolk Food and Health & Safety Service Plan 2023/24