Food and Health & Safety Service Plan 2024-25 - Flipbook - Page 22
Work related stress and poor mental health in the workplace has a direct impact on the
nation9s workers, businesses, and the economy. In 2024/25 the team will be intelligence
gathering and awareness raising with employers and their workers on the necessary
tools to prevent work related stress and help support good mental health at work.
Additionally in 2024/25 the team will be raising awareness in the prevention of ill health
from animal contact at visitor attractions.
Crowd safety at events is detailed in LAC 67/2 as a priority for proactive intervention. The
management of crowds of people is inherently diïcult and the harm that can occur
depends on the type of event being run. Safety Advisory Group (SAG) meetings are
convened to allow the relevant regulatory agencies (police, ore, ambulance, local
authority etc.) to gain intelligence prior to any event to allow for emergency planning and
advise each other on any areas of concern. The group will also advise the event organiser
(duty holder) of ways in which they can manage the event safely although the group as a
whole does not have statutory powers and any regulation of the event will be done using
primary legislation.
East Sufolk9s SAG has representatives from the district and county councils, emergency
services, other relevant agencies according to the type of event and event organisers.
SAG members formally meet monthly, to review event applications, meet event
organisers and advise on public safety but also review a number of plans without the
need for a meeting and will provide constructive feedback to the organisers via the chair.
Notes of the advice given are shared promptly with SAG members and event organisers.
Recommendations given by SAG are advisory and presented in a non-adversarial way
and it is for the organiser to take such steps that are necessary to ensure an event
is managed safely. However individual SAG members may have their own legislative
powers that relate to parts of the event and will use their statutory powers if risks will not
be mitigated following advice from the Group.
East Sufolk welcomes, encourages and supports organisers of safe events. SAG
considers events ranging from local community events run by volunteers to large
events attracting thousands of people such as the Sufolk Show, Latitude, First Light and
international cycle races.
A member of the Food and Safety Team also chairs the countywide SAG and has worked
with the Sufolk Joint Emergency Planning Unit to provide training on their role in SAG to
oïcers via multiagency online training. The SAG chair is a member of the Local Authority
Regulators Events Expert Panel (LAREEP) hosted by the Oïce for Product Safety and
Standards (OPSS) and has worked with emergency planning colleagues to provide local
training workshops on working efectively in a SAG.
The Food and Safety Team9s health and safety regulatory activities are benchmarked with
other Local Authorities at the Norfolk and Sufolk Health and Safety Liaison Group which
is chaired by a member of the Food and Safety Team
East Suffolk Food and Health & Safety Service Plan 2023/24