Food and Health & Safety Service Plan 2024-25 - Flipbook - Page 13
2.3 Scope of our Responsibilities
Food and Health & Safety
The Food and Safety Team has responsibility for:
Registering and, where appropriate, approving food establishments
Conducting food safety inspections and other interventions of businesses
Implementing an alternative enforcement
strategy for food establishments given an
intervention rating of category E for food
hygiene (refer to appendix 19)
Providing information on food hygiene
standards to residents using the Food
Hygiene Rating Scheme
Giving advice to food business operators
including help on implementing the Food
Standards Agency9s (FSA) Safer Food, Better
Business food safety management system
Checking inland imported foods at retail and catering establishments
Issuing Export Health Certiocates and Food Safety Premises Endorsements for Export
Investigating complaints concerning food, food establishments and food handling
Investigating cases of suspected and conormed food poisoning
Using a range of food safety enforcement actions, including taking emergency
prohibition action where conditions present an imminent risk of injury to health, and
Providing the Lowestoft Port Health Authority service, inspecting ships and issuing
Ship Sanitation Control Certiocates
Conducting health and safety interventions at premises for which the Council has
legal enforcement responsibility. Proactive inspections are used to target the highrisk
activities in sectors specioed by the Health and Safety Executive(HSE) in the National
Local Authority Enforcement Code or where intelligence suggests risks are not being
managed efectively
Leading East Sufolk9s Safety Advisory Group (SAG) to engage with event organisers
to address public safety as a priority
Investigating complaints concerning work premises and practices