Food and Health & Safety Service Plan 2024-25 - Flipbook - Page 10
2.2 Organisational Structure
East Sufolk Council operates a Leader and Cabinet structure and the Cabinet Member with
responsibility for Community Health is Councillor Jan Candy.
The Corporate Leadership Team comprises the Chief Executive, three Strategic Directors and
nine Heads of Service. The Corporate Leadership structure is shown in appendix 1. The Chief
Executive, Chris Bally, has overall responsibility for the eïcient management and execution of
the council9s functions. The Environmental Services and Port Health Service Area reports to Nick
Khan, Strategic Director.
Fiona Quinn, Head of Environmental Services & Port Health manages the Environmental
Services and Port Health service area. The service area has ove teams, each team has a manager
responsible for the delivery of their team9s services as shown in Figure 1. The three teams
covered by this plan are the Food and Safety Team, Sufolk Coastal Port Health Authority, and
the Corporate Health and Safety Team.
Figure 2. Structure of the Environmental Services
and Port Health service area
Fiona Quinn
Head of Environmental Services and Port Health
Food and Safety
Sufolk Coastal Port
Health Team
Corporate Health
and Safety Team
Protection Team
Environment and Climate
Change Team
Christine Walker
Food and Safety
Richard Jacobs
Port Health Manager
V Johnston
Health and Safety
Jeannette Hollingsworth
Protection Manager
Paul Mackie
Lead Oïcer Environment
and Climate Change
Outside the scope of this service plan
Figure 3. This service plan9s route to adoption by East Suffolk Council
Full Council
Cabinet Member with responsibility for Community Health
East Suffolk Food and Health & Safety Service Plan 2023/24