East Suffolk Well Minds - Flipbook - Page 24
Section 8: Safeguarding – Children and Adults
at risk of Abuse, Harm or Neglect
Immediate danger or emergencies: If an
adult or child is in immediate danger of
harm, then please call Customer First on
0808 800 4005. If it’s an emergency, dial 999.
If you believe someone may be at risk of
abuse, harm or neglect, then the Su昀昀olk
Safeguarding Partnership has a good guide
on what to do.
Su昀昀olk Safeguarding
Partnership Website
Ge琀琀ing advice
If you would like to talk to someone about whether to make a
safeguarding referral for an adult or a child, you can contact the
Mul琀椀-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). They’ll discuss the best
way of helping someone you feel is at risk of abuse, harm, or neglect.
Advice and guidance will be given without recording the name of the
adult or child, so you don’t need consent at this stage.
For a child: please use the Livechat func琀椀on,
which you’ll see as a link on the bo琀琀om right
of the MASH website.
For an adult: please call the Professional
Consulta琀椀on line on 0345 6061499. It’s
available Monday - Thursday: 9:00am to
5:00pm and Friday: 9:00am to 4:25pm
Safeguarding Hub