East Suffolk Well Minds - Flipbook - Page 22
Section 7: Suicide Prevention
Suicide can a昀昀ect anyone. The impact of
suicide is devasta琀椀ng and wide-reaching.
For those living with suicidal thoughts,
feeling inner turmoil and pain, or feeling
trapped can mean that taking their own
life becomes an op琀椀on.
Losing a loved one to suicide is hugely trauma琀椀c with
common feelings being s琀椀gma, shame and ‘could I have
done something to change the outcome’?
It may feel hard to ask someone directly if they are thinking
of taking their own life but enabling that person to talk
about how they are feeling may make all the di昀昀erence.
Mind say that if someone feels suicidal, talking to someone who
can listen and be suppor琀椀ve may be their 昀椀rst step towards
ge琀�ng help. They could talk to someone in their life or to a
professional such as a doctor or therapist, or a trained listener at
a helpline. Their website includes informa琀椀on on talking therapy,
counselling and helplines.
The Na琀椀onal Suicide Preven琀椀on Helpline UK o昀昀ers a suppor琀椀ve
listening service to anyone with thoughts of suicide. Call the
Na琀椀onal Suicide Preven琀椀on Helpline UK on 0800 689 5652 (6pm
to midnight every day).