DIGEST | ISSUE 26REVOLUTIONISINGTHE CONSTRUCTIONINDUSTRYRob GrayOperations DirectorDiales Technical, London, UKEXPLORINGMODERN METHODSOF CONSTRUCTIONAND MITIGATINGDISPUTESConstruction has undergone a remarkabletransformation in recent years with the adoptionof Modern Methods of Construction (MMC). Theseinnovative approaches have revolutionised theconstruction process and introduced strategiesto mitigate construction disputes. From modularconstruction to 3D printing, MMC techniques offernumerous benefits such as increased efficiency,sustainability, and affordability while addressingcommon sources of conflicts. In this article, we delveinto the exciting world of modern construction methodsand explore how they can help minimise constructiondisputes while highlighting potential challenges.While BIM has transformed information creation anddissemination, it does have drawbacks. Its effectiveimplementation is expensive and complex, discouragingso far, its widespread adoption, especially on smallerprojects and in less affluent regions. Differing levelsof BIM adoption within a project team can also be anissue, as it relies on common standards and specificsoftware and file formats. Compatibility issues anddata loss may occur without adherence to thesestandards. Furthermore, BIM heavily relies on accurateand complete input data to generate reliable models.Flawed or incomplete data can lead to inaccuracies andrework during construction.DESIGN AND PLANNINGLocal statutory requirements should also be consideredwhen using MMC methods like modular construction.In the UK, the “Manual to the Building Regulations”published by HM Government, points out that existingapproved technical guidance documents may not beapplicable to MMC. Designers may need to go further toensure compliance with Building Regulations for suchstructures, rather than relying solely on establishedguidance. Demonstrating the overall robustnessof a structure can become more challenging andburdensome for designers compared to traditionalmethods, potentially leading to conflicting conclusionson compliance with regulations.Inadequate design and planning are common primarycauses of construction disputes. Traditional methodsoften lead to misunderstandings, miscommunication,and errors during construction. However, modernmethods such as Building Information Modelling(BIM) have significantly improved design and planningpractices. BIM enables stakeholders to create acomprehensive virtual representation of the project,facilitating effective collaboration and reducing designrelated disputes. By identifying clashes and optimisingdesign solutions before construction begins, BIM canminimise conflicts between parties and enhance projectcoordination.19
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