Drainfast Brochure Issue 36 - Flipbook - Page 8
The muck
stops here!
It’s no secret that silt and mud cause challenges for roads on construction
sites. Silt washes into manhole chambers in the road leading to a build-up of
dirt and debris in the drainage system. Road sweepers can make the problem
worse, washing mud into the drains. But the problem continues below
ground, hidden from view. Clearing the drains out can be an expensive and
potentially risky operation.
Check out our MuckStopper System designed to catchmud and debris before
it clogs the drainage system below.
them today
Get in touch for an accurate quote
based on your specific needs.
We have proven a clear cost saving
Call us on 01420 555 600
Email hello@sitestak.co.uk
01420 555 600
7:30am-5pm Mon-Fri