Drainfast Brochure Issue 36 - Flipbook - Page 274
Reduced Jetting Costs
Peace of Mind
Jetting can become expensive and time
consuming to organise. Minimize the
requirement for jetting with MuckStopper.
Nothing keeps you up at night like
worrying about the unknown problems
that might be developing on your sites,
what will the remedial works cost? Replace
this worry with certainty, with a system in
place to solve it.
Reduces Contamination
Help Water Suppliers
Responsible companies take action to
protect the environment. With widespread
dumping of sewage into local waterways,
construction waste is ultimately ending up
directly in the environment through the
drainage system.
Local authorities and water companies
have to deal with the debris and litter
washed down from your site – which
ultimately costs us all as taxpayers.
Good for Health and
Prevents Drain Damage
Minimize the amount of time spent
in confined spaces manually clearing
01420 555 600
Worst case scenarios involve damaged
drainage systems having to be replaced.
Nobody wants the cost of digging up and
replacing drains at the end of a project.
Why risk it?
7:30am-5pm Mon-Fri