Job Book 9th Edition - Book - Page 49
Stage 0 > Strategic Definition: Supplementary Material: 0/SM2
After appropriate advertisement an initial list of firms is compiled from which
a few are shortlisted for invitation for interview and discussion. The shortlisted
firms are then ranked in order of preference. There is no mention of fees until the
preferred firm is selected. If it proves impossible to agree a ‘fair and reasonable’
fee, negotiations with that firm are irrevocably terminated and fresh negotiations
begin with the next preferred firm.
Quality/price selection
This system is similar to the above method but involves balancing quality and
price at the outset. A ratio is agreed depending on the nature of the project, and
indicative ratios are given as follows:
Type of process
Quality/price ratio
Feasibility studies and investigation
Innovative projects
Complex projects
Straightforward projects
Repeat projects
Quality criteria are then set out and weighted. (Note: If EC directives apply these
will affect how this should be done.) Submitted tenders are then assessed for
quality by marking each of the quality criteria and summing the marks using the
agreed weightings to give a total quality score. Candidates meeting an agreed
threshold are then interviewed and their quality scores adjusted. Their fees are
then examined; the lowest is given a score of 100 and the others score 100 minus
the percentage their fee is above the lowest fee. The final quality/price assessment
is achieved by multiplying the quality and price scores by the quality/price ratio
and adding them together to give a total score out of 100. The highest scoring
candidate is awarded the contract.
Fee tender (without design)
The architect is chosen solely on the basis of the fee quoted; that is, the procedure
is geared to the competitiveness of the fee.
•• Unlikely to be suitable for more complex projects, and those under £500,000
capital value.
•• A limited number of firms (say five or six) who accept invitations are sent tender
documents. All must receive identical information.
•• The information should state precisely which services are required and include
an initial brief for the project.
•• The tender may comprise a fee quotation and a resources schedule or other
specified information.