Job Book 9th Edition - Book - Page 47
Stage 0 > Strategic Definition: Supplementary Material: 0/SM1
Supplementary Material
0/SM1: Practice statement
Architects intending to approach, or who are being approached by, new clients
need to have information about their practice ready to hand. General information
might be immediately accessible from a practice brochure, or from entries in
the RIBA Directory of Practices. In some cases where the practice has a quality
management system, the quality manual will contain much relevant information
and could be issued to the client. Detailed information required in the context
of a particular project might need to be specially assembled. Some client bodies
may require all this information in a specific format, but nearly all will expect
information to be included about the following:
•• practice name, addresses, telephone, fax, email
•• status of practice: whether sole principal, partnership, company, etc.
•• directors or partners: names, CVs, photos
•• practice quality management systems, QA status
•• practice health and safety policy
•• practice environmental policy
•• specialist skills in-house
•• practice computer systems
•• PI insurance arrangements (subject to insurer’s agreement)
•• building type experience
•• recent commissions: details, illustrations, contact names
•• overseas experience and completed commissions, if relevant
•• languages in which the practice is fluent, if relevant
•• consultants with whom the practice normally collaborates
•• team being offered for the particular commission, with brief CVs
•• membership of competence schemes under Safety Schemes in Procurement
(SSIP), such as the Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme (CHAS).
Refer to the Architect’s Handbook of Practice Management (2010), Chapter 5
‘Marketing and Business Development’ for further guidance.