Job Book 9th Edition - Book - Page 347
Contractor Engagement: Supplementary Material: P/SM1
Dimensioned diagrams
Dimensioned diagrams are required by SMM7 General Rule 5.3 to show the
shape and dimensions of the work covered by an item. They may be used at the
discretion of the cost consultant as an alternative to a dimensioned description
except in those cases where there is a specific requirement for a dimensioned
diagram. Dimensioned diagrams may be prepared by the cost consultant or, on
their behalf, by the architect. They can also be extracts from the architect’s or
engineer’s drawings reproduced at a suitable size for incorporation in the bills
of quantities.
Dimensioned diagrams should not appear in documentation other than the bills
of quantities. However, there may be occasions where it is more appropriate to
issue the architect’s or engineer’s drawings with the bills of quantities rather
than produce dimensioned diagrams. In such instances it will be necessary to
identify the drawings in the bill description.
Preparation of tender documents
The tender documentation will include the bills of quantities, the tender drawings,
the project specification (as appropriate), the form of tender and the letter of
invitation. The bills of quantities will list the drawings from which the bills have
been prepared, and copies of these should be kept as a record. It is good practice
to indicate which of the drawings listed accompany the tender documents.
As much of the drawn information as possible should be contained within the bills
of quantities to minimise the problem of expensive reproduction of drawings.
The provision of copy negatives or similar methods rather than prints will also
assist in keeping down tendering costs.
It will be of assistance to contractors if, when domestic subcontractors are named
in bills of quantities, the drawings and the specification relevant to their work
are sent to them direct, obviating the need for all tendering contractors to do
so when they can see from the bill that this has been done.