Job Book 9th Edition - Book - Page 346
Contractor Engagement: Supplementary Material: P/SM1
Location drawings
The SMM7 rules for Preliminaries/General conditions require certain location
drawings to accompany the bill of quantities. These are defined in General Rule
5.1 as follows:
(a)Block Plan: shall identify the site and locate the outlines of the building works
in relation to a town plan or other context.
(b)Site Plan: shall locate the position of the building works in relation to
setting-out points, means of access and general layout of the site.
(c)Plans, Sections and Elevations: shall show the position occupied by the
various spaces in a building and the general construction and location of
principal elements.
The architect’s smaller scale location drawings will normally satisfy this
requirement. The majority of work sections in SMM7 commence with a
statement of the information to be provided specifically for that type of work.
The requirements will normally be met by the architect’s location drawings
referred to above. If not, other drawings produced by the architect, structural,
mechanical and electrical engineers etc. should be provided.
SMM7 applies equally to all with-quantities projects. However, when deciding
which drawings to include to comply with the rules, the type, size and relative
complexity of the particular project will need to be considered. For example,
the scope and location of foul drainage above ground for a simple single-storey
building may be adequately defined by the general arrangement floor plan
showing the sanitary appliances, whereas more detailed drawn information will
be required for this work in a more complex building.
In addition to the requirements concerning location drawings there are other
SMM7 rules which, although not specifically referring to drawings, can often be
complied with to best advantage by giving information on drawings referenced
from the bills of quantities. An example is Section D20 Excavating and filling,
which requires details of:
• groundwater level
• trial pits or borehole details stating their location
• features retained
• live over- or underground services, indicating location.
Component drawings
Component drawings are required by General Rule 5.2 to show the information
necessary for the manufacture and assembly of components.