Job Book 9th Edition - Book - Page 344
Contractor Engagement
• information prepared specially for use in self-build or semiskilled operations
• information for issue to specialist subcontractors and suppliers
in connection with tender invitations
• information which is not necessarily part of the tender package
for use in dealings with third parties, landlords, tenants,
funders, etc. (e.g. in connection with leases, boundaries, party
walls, etc.).
If procurement is through design and build:
•for an employer client: detail design information for incorporation into
Employer’s Requirements (part of Stages 3 and 4)
•for a contractor client: general arrangement drawings, interface details,
performance specification and other technical information (part of
Stage 4 and Contractor Engagement).
Outputs required after tenders have been received might include
the following:
• main contract tenders and report with recommendations
• tenders received from specialists with appropriate forms and
numbered documents where appropriate.
If procurement is through design and build:
•for an employer client: report for the client on the appraisal of
Contractor’s Proposals and contract sum analysis
•for a contractor client: report for the client on the appraisal of tenders
submitted by specialist subcontractors and suppliers; final material
for incorporation into Contractor’s Proposals and in connection with
contract sum analysis.