Job Book 9th Edition - Book - Page 340
Contractor Engagement
P.5.6.40 If the lowest figure is greater than the amount allowed for in the CA
cost plan, discuss with the cost consultant the most appropriate
measures for reducing it (such as making alterations to the
design), agree the action to be taken with the client and initiate it
through negotiation or re-tendering.
P.5.6.41 Assist as necessary with any negotiations following consideration CA
by the client of the most acceptable tender.
P.5.6.42 Continue with appraisal of tenders from specialists. Check that
offers are still open for acceptance and that particulars on which
they tendered are still correct.
Check that the CDM coordinator has certified that the
construction phase health and safety information has been
developed sufficiently by the firm to be appointed as principal
contractor for the construction phase to commence.
P.5.6.44 Notify unsuccessful tenderers of the result when the Building
Contract is signed and provide figures when appropriate.
If procurement is through design and build, assist the client with
negotiations following the submission of the Contractor’s Proposals and
the contract sum analysis, as relevant.
P.5.6.45 Arrange interviews to select the principal contractor if relevant
and necessary.
Pre-tender meetings and interviews should only be held if considered
essential, and always with a strictly limited agenda.
P.5.6.46 If appropriate, arrange for interviews for selection of contractors
by negotiation.
Other general matters to be addressed during tendering
P.5.6.47 Regularly check progress against the timetable for tendering