Job Book 9th Edition - Book - Page 339
Contractor Engagement
P.5.6.34 Amend the Technical Design if necessary following cost checks.
Establish whether changes are to be reflected in the Building
Contract documents (which will then differ from the tender
documents) or whether amendments are to be the subject of
immediate variations under a contract administrator’s instruction
issued when the Building Contract has been entered into.
P.5.6.35 Check the effects of any amendments on specialist subcontract
work and arrange for adjusted tenders if necessary.
P.5.6.36 Record all amendments.
Identify changes clearly on revised documents.
Retain and file all original issues.
P.5.6.37 Manage any questions arising during the tendering process.
P.5.6.38 Appraise, with the cost consultant and CDM coordinator, the
tenders received and prepare a report with recommendations for
the client:
• Check with the cost consultant for arithmetical errors in the
most acceptable tender; if any are found, use the appropriate
stated procedures.
• Inspect draft programmes submitted by tenderers, if required.
• Arrange for the CDM coordinator to inspect material submitted
by tenderers relating to health and safety requirements, and to
appraise the construction phase health and safety information
submitted in the most acceptable tender.
• Check that the tender includes information regarding the
contractor’s competency.
Deal with tender errors, or the need for a reduction, strictly in accordance
with recommended procedures.
P.5.6.39 Prepare and review the tender report with the client and discuss
recommendations about acceptance.
Be wary of a very low tender and explain to the client the possible risks in
accepting it.