Job Book 9th Edition - Book - Page 32
Stage 0 > Strategic Definition
For some projects it may be beneficial to introduce the Design
Quality Indicator (DQI) process.
DQI is a method of evaluating design and construction for both
new build and refurbishment, involving the whole project team
and the building users. It can be used at all stages of a building’s
development, but the earlier it is introduced, the greater the
benefit derived. The DQI process establishes a platform from
which stakeholders can agree common goals, interrogate
designs and demand excellence from suppliers. It empowers
a building’s community by providing them with a structured
way to talk about their building. By encouraging effective
communication between suppliers and the eventual users of
the building, the process helps to ensure that suppliers deliver
excellent buildings that meet users’ needs. It is an inclusive
process and is at its most effective when the user group involved
is as wide as possible.
Representatives from both the supply side and the demand
side of a project take part. The supply side includes people
responsible for delivering the building, such as the architects,
the design team and contractors. The demand side includes
the building’s community and those people who will use the
DQI works through structured workshops and online tools.
Presentations at the workshops brief an assessment group,
formed from members of the building community, throughout
the design and construction processes. The online tools give this
assessment group a structure within which to consider a series
of important issues relating to their building.
The workshops are mediated by a dedicated DQI facilitator,
who is able to assess the results of the online tools and record
the opinions of those present. The online tools take the form of
questionnaires that provide instant results, which are used to
generate discussion during each workshop.
The workshops should take place at all stages of a building
project. Ideally, DQI should be put into practice at the first
workshop held during the briefing stage and then continued
throughout the project. In other situations it should be put into
practice at the earliest stage possible.
For further information go to