Job Book 9th Edition - Book - Page 315
Stage 6 > Handover and Close Out: Supplementary Material: 6/SM5
10. Involve the
end users
Prospective occupants should be actively
researched to understand their needs and
expectations, which should inform the
client’s requirements and the design brief.
There should be a clear process for managing
expectations throughout the construction
process and into building operation
11. Set performance
Performance objectives for the building
should be set at the outset. They should be
well-researched, appropriate and realistic,
capable of being monitored and reality
checked throughout design and construction,
and measurable post completion in line with
the client’s key performance indicators
12. Communicate
and inform
Regardless of their legal and contractual
obligations to one another, project
team members need to be comfortable
communicating with the entire team in
order to achieve the levels of collaboration
necessary to carry out Soft Landings activities
Although late adoption of Soft Landings could bring some benefits, clients and
aftercare teams should be prepared to face problems with building performance
that could have been anticipated and dealt with had Soft Landings been adopted
earlier and in its entirety. Graduated handover can be useful in its own right, but
far more can be achieved by applying all core principles from the start.
Even on projects that adopt Soft Landings from the outset, cherry-picking of the
core principles may introduce risks and fragilities. The risk of underperformance
will increase proportionately as core principles are weakened or abandoned. For
this reason, the term Soft Landings should not be applied on projects where any
of the core principles are missing.