Job Book 9th Edition - Book - Page 250
Stage 5 > Construction Provide information as set out on the Information Release
Schedule, or provide additional necessary information to the
contractor as required under the provisions of the Building
It is important to ensure that there is no reasonably necessary
information outstanding, general or specific. Watch the contractor’s
programme and progress for indicated dates and signs.
Deal with claims as empowered under the terms of the Building Contract. 5/SM9
Variations should be pre-priced if possible, otherwise the likely full
implications should be estimated and agreed before action is taken.
It may be that negotiation is the best way forward, but do not exceed
your authority. Do not be overawed by the volume of documents
sometimes presented by claims consultants – quantity does not equate
with the validity of a case.
Beware of claims regarding matters not dealt with under the express
terms of the Building Contract because the architect has no power to
settle these; they must be dealt with between the parties.
Issue instructions with respect to provisional sums and the appointment
of specialist subcontractors, etc.
If possible, named subcontractors should be appointed at the
commencement of the Building Contract, always strictly in accordance
with stipulated procedures. Note the subcontract dates for compatibility
with the main contractor’s programme. Issue certificates as empowered and required in accordance with
the Building Contract procedures. Request vouchers from the
contractor as empowered under the contract.
Be punctilious about valuations and certificates for payment. Notify the
cost consultant in writing of any work not properly carried out, so that
such work is not included in any valuation. Alert the client to any rights
to make a deduction from the amount certified, and the procedures
Review the Health and Safety File information at regular intervals.
Maintain ‘As-constructed’ Information, as required under the Building
Contract provisions, and pass relevant information to the CDM
coordinator for possible incorporation in the Health and Safety File.
Check that the project team maintain adequate records and pass
relevant information to the CDM coordinator for possible incorporation
in the Health and Safety File.