Job Book 9th Edition - Book - Page 242
Stage 5 > Construction
• discuss with the contractor the initial occupation provisions
specified in the Building Contract
• review design information from the contractor or specialists
for compliance with occupation and facilities management
• review and monitor the contractor’s building readiness
• prepare the building’s user guide and contribute to periodic
If the appointment includes Post-occupancy Evaluation activities
under Stage 6, the architect must:
• discuss with the contractor the specified review provisions
• identify any changes to targets, and their causes, and
contribute to periodic reports. If coming new to the project at this stage in the Plan of Work:
• ascertain that all earlier stage checks have been carried out
• agree fees and timetable with the client
Allow for familiarisation and reviewing of all usable material when
agreeing fees and timetable with the client.
• confirm the role of the architect in relation to the rest of the
design team
• ensure you have the necessary competency and resources to
undertake the work and address the health and safety issues
likely to be involved in it
• request a copy of the project-specific pre-construction health
and safety information and review it
• re-advise the client in writing of their responsibilities under the
CDM Regulations and ensure that a CDM coordinator has been
Where a project is notifiable, the Regulations require that the client
appoints a CDM coordinator as soon as is practicable after initial design
work or other preparation for construction work has begun. This would
generally be at Stage 2.
• ensure that you have adequate professional indemnity (PI)
insurance cover
• confirm the scope and frequency of site meetings, visits and
issuing of interim certificates.