Job Book 9th Edition - Book - Page 212
Stage 4 > Technical Design
Information Exchanges
Check that all the agreed outputs have been produced before
the conclusion of Stage 4. These outputs will comprise the
Technical Design for consultant elements of the design and
must be in sufficient detail to enable Fabrication Design or
Construction to commence. The outputs may include:
• updated Cost Information
• detail design drawings
• specification notes (prescriptive and performance) on materials
and workmanship (or systems, products and execution), etc.
• notes for draft preliminaries (or project management sections)
for specifications or schedules of work
• further detailed information on proposals for existing, perhaps
historic, buildings
• information for preparation of full plans submission for
approval under the Building Regulations
• non-technical information for use in dealings with third parties,
landlords, tenants, funders, etc. (e.g. in connection with leases,
boundaries, party walls)
• Technical Design coordinated documents – probably including
location, component and assembly drawings, drawn schedules,
bills of quantities/specifications/schedules of work
• information prepared specially for use in self-build or semiskilled operations
• information for issue to specialist subcontractors and suppliers
in connection with tender invitations
• information for inclusion in pre-construction health and safety
information to be passed to the CDM coordinator
• information which is not necessarily part of the tender package
for use in dealings with third parties, landlords, tenants,
funders, etc. (e.g. in connection with leases, boundaries, party