Job Book 9th Edition - Book - Page 207
Stage 4 > Technical Design
Consultations, approvals and consents
Continue discussions with the building control and fire
authorities. Prepare a building notice for submission under the
Building Regulations, or prepare an application for approval
by deposit of full plans. Prepare a submission to an approved
inspector for issue of an initial notice for acceptance by the local
authority, if this is the chosen option.
It is advisable to submit for all necessary approvals at the earliest possible
date. However, the stage at which a submission can be made will depend
on how much detail the authority requires – there is an increasing
tendency to ask for a high level of detail so submission may not be
possible until Stage 4 or 5. Review the adequacy of information on building services from
statutory undertakers for detail design. Continue discussions with relevant authorities for highways,
drainage, water, gas, electricity supplies, etc. on matters
concerning detail design. Check adequacy of information on
building services from statutory undertakers for detail design. Consult insurers as appropriate regarding the application of
codes of practice or design guides relating to construction,
materials, standards and finishes in detail design, and their
requirements for fire prevention during site operations which
might have design implications. Consult user client/third parties, if authorised. If instructed, issue party wall notices on behalf of the client.
If notices are being issued by others, check that all party wall and
foundation notices have been served.
Consultations with users or third parties and party wall matters do not
form part of the Services under the Conditions of the RIBA Standard
Agreement 2010 (2012 revision) unless identified under Part 3 ‘Other