Job Book 9th Edition - Book - Page 150
Stage 2 > Concept Design
Consultations, approvals and consents
Hold informal discussions with authorities as appropriate before
making formal submission for permission, approval or consent.
Consultation with statutory authorities is not included in the RIBA
Standard Agreement 2010 (2012 revision) until Stage 3, although it
appears from Stage 0 in the RIBA Plan of Work 2013. In practice, to
establish feasibility of proposals, consultations are likely to be necessary
at Stages 0 and 1. Establish with the local authority building control department:
• whether the project is one which will require approval under
Building Regulations
• whether it would be more beneficial to submit Building
Regulations applications to the local authority or an approved
inspector, and report to the client
• whether a dispensation would be likely where the legal
requirements of Building Regulations could be particularly
onerous and damaging to the architectural integrity of a
historic building. Check whether there is any local legislation, or legislation
particular to the proposed development or building type, which
should be complied with. Check whether bodies such as the Environment Agency could
have their interests affected by the proposed development. If
this seems possible, they should be consulted. Check with relevant authorities concerning highways, drainage,
water, gas and electricity, etc. and note requirements for plant
and meter housings, substations, etc. Agree with the client the need and/or arrangements for
discussions with authorised users of the building in developing
the Final Project Brief and the Concept Design. Consult with user
clients if authorised to do so.