Job Book 9th Edition - Book - Page 144
Stage 2 > Concept Design
Brief Review the Initial Project Brief and develop it into the Final
Project Brief as part of the Information Exchanges at the end of
the stage.
Evaluate the content of the brief to establish that:
• the client’s stated objectives are reflected
• an adequate basis for design is provided
• the time and cost parameters are reasonable
• all the information the client should provide before design
commences is provided.
If changes to the brief are necessary, make sure that these are subject to
the Change Control Procedures established, for example in the Project
Execution Plan. Advise the client of the results of the evaluation and seek
instructions regarding any further information needed. Obtain project-specific information from potential
subcontractors and suppliers. Coordinate and integrate information from the cost consultant
and other consultants and specialists.
If coming new to the project at this stage in the Plan of Work:
• ascertain that previous stage checks have been carried out
• allow for familiarisation and reviewing of all usable material
when agreeing fees and timetable with the client
• confirm the role of the architect in relation to the rest of the
design team if appointed, i.e. whether appointed as project
lead, lead designer or design team member, or whether a
project manager has been appointed – direct access to the
client, particularly during the design stages, is highly desirable